"Things To Look Out For When Viewing A Property" text over picture of family viewing a property with a real estate agent

Things To Look Out For When Viewing A Property

When you are in the market for a new home, there are a lot of factors to consider when you start looking at potential properties. Sometimes you need to think about what is missing as much as what is there. The great thing about viewing homes is you can start to narrow down what you need, what you want, and what you can live without.


By identifying your pros and cons, you can start eliminating properties that don’t work for you. There are a few main aspects you should pay close attention to when you start your search.


Sizes & Shapes of Rooms

Walk into each room and think about how certain furniture might fit or be laid out in a room. Remember that times have changed and what may fit in a room when it was built may no longer be the case. Consider taking a tape measure with you along with dimensions of your furniture to see if your possessions will fit practically.


Check for a Laundry Space

A laundry area is a commonly overlooked aspect of a home. With all the other important things to look at, don’t forget to check if there’s a laundry hookup in the home and where it’s located. If there is a washer and dryer in the home, check the sizes to see if they will mirror your own.


Make a List of Needed Updates

When you start to view properties, keep in mind what areas of the home may need updating within the next five years or so. The first couple years in a home can be expensive and your budget may be tight. It’s important to be aware of any upcoming costs, so you can either prepare for them, or take them into consideration when making your offer.


Tour the Neighborhood

Take a few extra minutes to drive around the neighborhood of each home you visit. If you have kids, does it look kid-friendly? If you are looking for a more senior-friendly area, does it look like you’ll be able to make friends with the neighbors? Or maybe you are young and looking for nightlife. Consider the surrounding communities and if there are things to do nearby.


Look for New Renovations

It’s common for a homeowner to make updates before putting the home on market. They want to make sure they are getting the best value for their property, understandably.

What you should be on the look for is upgrades that may be covering up existing issues. If there is a basement with fresh drywall, it could mean that they are covering up foundation cracks. An inspector will be able to help with this, but it’s better to keep your eyes open first.


Trust Your Gut!

No matter if you are searching for your first home, your forever home, or your last home, your gut will tell you more than you think. If you notice right away something doesn’t feel right about a house you’re viewing, use extra caution. If you notice a property feels like home right away, you may have a winner! Trust your instincts… and your realtor!


These are just a few factors to keep in mind when you start looking for homes in your area. But there are many more areas of a home you want to look at extensively. The best way to know you are looking at a potential property is to have the help of a professional real estate agent. Coldwell Banker Carroll Realty’s local realtors have the expertise and information at hand for every property they show, making your job much easier! We have experienced real estate agents throughout Panama City, Panama City Beach, and 30a ready to meet with you! Start your search for the perfect property with us today.